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While I have been waiting for feedback on the uncompleted 'Bye then, See You Later' I have been thinking about a non-fiction book. It's got a working title of 'Is this Lotus Land?' or 'The Industry of Misery in the Best Place on Earth' and is a hard, honest look at this place I have called 'home' for the past 20 years, Vancouver. I would like it to be written along the lines of the best of Bill Bryson's books e.g. 'Notes from a Small Island' etc. but don't know if I can pull it off or not. His stuff is packed full of little anectodes about the people he meets on his journeys which makes for entertaining reading and I am trying to conjure up some amusing stories of my own (I must have some). Anyway, I'll keep you in touch, but this one might take up to a year to write.



When I wrote 'Gone Missing', my Derek Blackstone Detective Novel, I did so with the intention of making it a series of books so I'm pleased to announce that I have finished and published the second Blackstone Novel, with the title of 'Senseless', and realise that I just have so much fun with these characters.


'Senseless' deals with, amongst other things, how we get tricked by the media into believing things they tell us are true when the minutest bit of research will clearly inform us that it's not. Which means I get to have fun blowing-up a couple of shopping malls in Vancouver, but guess who gets the blame? Muslims of course, even though...oh, you'll have to wait and see.



I am also thinking of putting  Gone Missing or The Lynn Valley Orchard on a site called Wattpad which is a nice site for writers and reader to visit - try it out (  I will do this a chapter at a time so have a look.





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