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This is my Facebook Fan Page where I let you into my latest thoughts and ideas about my stories where the only common link so far seems to be that my main characters are all English males in some sort of trouble and all but one of them is an ex-pat living in Canada.  They're funny and poignant though.  At least I think so.

Charlotte Atkins lives in Dorset, England with her husband, four children and multiple pets. She writes both adult and YA fiction, which is described as edgy and compelling

She is a very talented author who will entertain and maybe even shock you.


Shaena writes young adult and new adult stories about misfits (whom she calls the "socially abstract").Her blog is a voice for misfits who have real life inspiring stories they want to share.  Check her out!

Shalaena's sister is equally as eerie weird.  As she writes on her website, "One should never limit themselves based on what others have to say, but rather learn from the criticism, ignore that which does not improve them, and take from the sincere people that which lifts them up. No one, no matter what background, is too old or mature for an adventure."

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